Terms & Conditions

Terms  & Conditions -

Entry Requirements:

  • Entry is open to all national and international quilters and fiber artists. There is no restriction as to when the piece was created. Pieces that have been on prior exhibit at the Pacific Northwest Quilt & Fiber Arts Museum (‘QFAM’) or past International Quilt & Fiber Arts Festivals (‘Festival’) are not eligible for entry.
  • All entries must go through the jury process to be accepted into the exhibit. Entrants may choose to also have their piece(s) judged or non-judged. Judged pieces are eligible for awards and will receive judges’ feedback with return of item(s) following Festival. All entries are eligible for People’s Choice awards.
  • We encourage all entries be made online to facilitate the jury process, printing related materials (program, wall tag, etc), reports, and tracking. Follow instructions on the website to complete your entry.
  • If you are unable to submit your entry online, you can mail or hand-deliver a hard copy to the Museum before Noon, June 29, 2023. Download and fill out the form on our website, https://www.qfamuseum.org/iqfa.... Complete an Entry Form for each piece you are    
    entering. Save required digital images on CD or thumb drive (non-returnable) and submit with completed Entry Form(s) and fee payment. Send/deliver to Pacific Northwest Quilt & Fiber Arts Museum, 703 South 2nd Street #1270, La Conner, WA 98257. In-person entries are accepted Wednesday–Sunday, 11am-5pm up to June 29 at Noon.
  • By indicating acceptance of the Terms & Conditions when completing the submission process, artist agrees to allow the Museum to use any images submitted with their entry or to take images of their entry for purposes of publicity and/or advertising the Festival. Full credit will be given to the artist and photographer, where applicable.
  • Entries in Quilt categories must consist of three (3) distinct layers - top, middle layer, and backing, stitched or tied together. Both Wall and Bed quilts are accepted in all sub-categories. Quilts may be hand or machine stitched. No pre-quilted fabrics or commercially pre-printed whole cloth quilt tops may be used.
  • Note: Maximum size in any category is 104” wide x 84” high. Perimeter is the combined measurement of all four sides of a quilt. If you are considering entering a piece that exceeds the maximum size, please contact staff in advance to determine if we are able to accommodate it.
  • Items made from commercially-produced kits will not be accepted, except for needlework canvases. This includes block of the month quilts made from fabrics pre-selected for the quilt maker, felting kits, etc. Following a designer’s pattern, in quilting, needlework, weaving or knitting for instance, is acceptable.
  • Group entries: Entries resulting from the efforts of two or more artists with each contributing in some significant way to the artwork must include the names of all artists involved in the field provided on submission form, sharing credit for its creation. This does not include the production of material used, paid labor, or paid professional quilting. Only one artist needs to complete an entry/submission form for the group piece to be entered.
  • Select the proper category and sub-category for your entry. QFAM reserves the right to change an entry category. If so, entrant will be notified prior to judging. Category list can be found on our website Festival page.
  • Entrants are responsible for ensuring entries comply with all applicable copyright laws. Entries that do not meet published guidelines or deadlines may be disqualified. All decisions of the jurors and judges are final. QFAM, at its sole discretion, may disqualify any entry for any reason and no fees will be refunded.
  • All submissions require a minimum of two images; 3D/Sculptural and Wearable Art entries require three. Digital images can be submitted in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

Accepted Entries

  • Best of Show and Award of Excellence winners will be notified at least one week prior to the opening of the Festival and invited to the Preview Reception on October 5, 6pm.
  • Entering art in the exhibit does not include admission to the Festival or the Preview Reception.
  • Accepted entries must be available for judging, exhibition and processing return from August 20, 2023 through October 20, 2023.
  • All Awards of Excellence, People’s Choice, Best of Show and 1st Place award-winning entries must also be available for extended exhibition at the Museum, and will be shipped for return by December 8, 2023.
  • Entries hanging in the Festival or post-exhibit at Museum may not be taken down early for any reason.
  • Artists with pieces juried into the exhibition will be sent acceptance notifications including delivery instructions. Artists are responsible for all shipping costs to and from the Museum.

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